The Healthy Junk Chronicles: 19 Natural Cleaning Tips (from


Health (Photo credit: Tax Credits)

19 Natural Cleaning Tips (from

One of the reasons why I created the Healthy Junk blog is to find the best healthy, organic, and all natural “junk” (aka the items and luxuries we usually take for granted, as well as the necessities of life that aren’t filled with preservatives, additives, and all around bad stuff) at an INEXPENSIVE price (no one likes the word “cheap” anymore).

Obviously, DIY everything would fit well into my blog (and my life) but the issue is…these recipes, etc. may not work the way you would like (aka “as well as the expensive, brand name stuff you usually get).

This is where I come in!! I can safely say that apple cider vinegar and lemon juice DOES work well to clean most things (except toilets). I can safely say that using glass bottles are better than using plastic (and I will use my ACV glass bottle with a plastic top to use for my cleaning items)! There are other tips that I haven’t tried yet but trust me, I surely will and get back to you as to whether they work…or not!

Do you have any tips that you want to share…and they work? Please let me know. I’m on a budget (and I’m sure you are too) so I am open to all suggestions that do not hurt my pockets, my health, or the planet earth.

If you’re going to consume junk, make sure it’s Healthy Junk!

Healthy Junk Chronicles: The Spark of Health


Hi everyone!

I know I’ve been gone for a while but instead of focusing on “what was” and “I should have,” WE need to pay attention to the present moment and be grateful for what we have and don’t have…

Presently, what I now have is a Magic Bullet! As you can see in the picture above (I took it for my instagram page), before I received the green juice, I had to get a lesson in how to create it from my mom.

The funniest things about my lesson are:

  1. My mom talked me through it like she’s the host on an infomercial.
  2. She had this unbelievable energy and passion I have not seen in years.
  3. She’s been doing this for 2 weeks!

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The Healthy Junk Chronicles: My Journey with Junk (Healthy and Otherwise)

Kitchen counter

Kitchen counter (Photo credit: lorda)

It’s been a while since I posted on this blog. Heck, I didn’t even wish anyone Happy Holidays on this blog. That sucks. :x

I’ve been concentrating so much of my Fight dis-ease! blog and on my life, I totally neglected this blog. I must admit that I thought about it a lot – the different topics and posts that I could share with you – but nothing ever came to fruition. I was developing that necessary focus needed to maintain all the things I need to do with excellence.

With that said, let’s get to the junk! ;)

My life, no matter how much it seems I am improving on it, is a junk filled mess. I have clutter out the wazoo, I have clutter in my mind and I’m doing so much, I don’t have time to clear the junk out of my body. (doesn’t this sound familiar?) 2010 was filled with all kinds of ups and downs and I did my best to navigate through it with ease of mind.

Unfortunately for me, my ease of mind came in various forms – clutter, chocolate, carbonated sodas (organic of course! :p), wasteful spending (when I get depressed, I don’t eat. I shop) and whatever else ails me that ego doesn’t want to recall – and the second part of last year as spent finding ways to cut down or cut out all this junk!
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