Healthy Junk Chronicles: The Spark of Health


Hi everyone!

I know I’ve been gone for a while but instead of focusing on “what was” and “I should have,” WE need to pay attention to the present moment and be grateful for what we have and don’t have…

Presently, what I now have is a Magic Bullet! As you can see in the picture above (I took it for my instagram page), before I received the green juice, I had to get a lesson in how to create it from my mom.

The funniest things about my lesson are:

  1. My mom talked me through it like she’s the host on an infomercial.
  2. She had this unbelievable energy and passion I have not seen in years.
  3. She’s been doing this for 2 weeks!

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Junk News XX: High Cost of Health Food Means Kids Eat More Junk

healthy gluten-free school lunch

Image by elana's pantry via Flickr

High Cost of Health Food Means Kids Eat More Junk

If I were a parent reading this article, it would raise many more questions than answers:

  1. How can I buy healthier choices for my kids and save money?
  2. How does increased prices on raw materials (milk, corn, etc.) affect food prices in supermarkets?
  3. How can I introduce healthier alternatives to snacks, etc. into my children’s lives without “force” feeding them?
  4. What is the easiest thing I can do to start this healthy process…in myself and in my children?
There are numerous blogs, websites, experts, and companies that gives you a plethora of information that can overload our brains. Many times, a solution provided by one of these methods often result in spending more money, which may help in the short run but leaves for more issues in the long run. The better question is: How can I make simple lifestyle changes that will affect my future decisions in maintaining health and wellness?

Junk News XVI: Sale of junk food to be banned in Ontario schools (with a little extra)

Sale of junk food to be banned in Ontario schools.

I won’t say that this is a good idea…but I won’t say that this is a bad idea either. Ontario has good intentions but banning junk food in the school is not going to just “solve the problem.” That doesn’t mean that banning junk off altogether is the answer either.

What does help is manifold:

  • In banning junk foods, they can sell healthier alternatives, such as fruits and nuts or snacks that cater to a healthier crowd. Children need snacks to keep them going throughout the day. Why not have a fruit/nut/water stand?
  • At the same time, schools MUST reinstate extra-curricular activities, such as gym or even playing a music instrument. We have become a continent so focused on learning and the future that we stopped looking at the present – children need a balance between learning and doing so that they can become well-rounded and successful individuals in the future.
  • At the end of the day, schools are only a part of the sum. Parents much also do what they can to educate their children. This does not mean to tell them to eat right and you do the total opposite. This is one of the times where children are going to have to learn by your example.

Junk Food (and other junk we consume) should be considered a “luxury.” Something that we can indulge in every so often, but it has to be earned. It cannot be a crutch. That doesn’t mean that they can’t have junk food at all. Children need to learn new ways of eating and appreciate health so that if they do eat a candy bar, it’s not going ot affect their overall health. They won’t overindulge and they will be able to cope with exercise and a positive and focused attitude.

In other words, it has to be a holistic and balanced approach.

two healthy junk foods

When I found this blog post, I had to put it in this post. Who better to put their money where their mouth is but me? I doesn’t make sense for me to talk about how much junk food is NOT good for you and not provide those healthier alternatives I was talking about. I’m only now learning to cook for myself (I baked an organic chicken the other day- the first time in years!) and soon I will be able to try this out and make it taste good for me. If you’re a fan of cooking and want to try this out, post a comment letting me know how it went. If you’re already a pro in the kitchen, leave any tips you can – for me and my readers.

Thanks so much for keeping up with me. No matter what happens in life, always keep a positive attitude and get rid of the junk in your life.

Always remember…if you’re gonna consume junk, it might as well be Healthy Junk! (l)

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